Orders & Returns
How do I place an Order?
Simply by navigating our categories, or use our search button, find the product you desire, and then follow the Buy now or Add to cart instructions.
How Can I Cancel my Order?
For device purchases, as long as the order hasn’t shipped yet, you can contact us here to process your order cancellation request. For service purchases, as long as it hasn’t been assigned to our delivery agent, you will be able to cancel the order yourself using the tracking page.
How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?
Typically, in major cities, for services (ex, a new line) can take from 1 to 2 working days to be delivered. Device orders (ex, a smartphone) can take from 2 – 4 working days to delivered.
How Do I Track My Order?
You can track your order using the tracking link you recieved over Email or SMS. Alternatively, if you have the email you used during the order alongside the order number, then you can use the Tracking Page to manually track your order.
Do I need an account to place an order?
You do not need an account to make a purchase in Zain Online Shop. Although, if you wish to create an account in our shop, you can do that as well.
How Can I Return a Product?
For service purchases, returns are not possible after activation of the service. For device purchases, changes to the ordered product is not possible (i.e. color or size), however, you can choose to cancel your order by contacting us as long as it hasn’t been shipped yet, and then make a new order for the device you desire.
If you recieved a faulty or damaged device, you will need to visit our closest branch to get technical device support.
What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
For device purchases, we support mada, Visa, Mastercard and Apple Pay. For service purchases, we support pay on delivery, in which you can later pay for the order online when the agent arrives using one of our our online payment options.
Is Buying On-Line Safe?
Zain Online Shop utilizes end to end encryption in all of its pages, and utilizes PCI-Compliant payment service providers to keep all your payment information secure end-to-end.
What Shipping Methods Are Available?
Our shipping is provided free of charge for most of our displayed products & services using our own delivery system or 3rd party delivery companies whenever applicable.
Do You Ship Internationally?
Unfortunately, we do not at this time. Our products and services can only be shipped within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.